Harrogate Massage-Rachael Inchboard
9 Princes Square, Harrogate, HG11ND
07903 629878
Bad_Back_Pain_Treatment_Harrogate, Knaresborough, Wetherby

Lower Back Pain Fusionage Therapies Harrogate Back to Home Page
A common disorder that affects 80% of the UK adult population each year.
The National Institute for Health Care and Excellence (NICE clinical guideline 88) recommends Massage for most aches and pains and specifically recommends Massage for persistent (long lasting) non-specific (not caused by illness/injury) lower back pain.
Lower back pain can be a caused by a range of problems- a specific cause or a specific condition such as degenerative disc disease or a lumbar herniated disc. Most causes of lower back pain can be linked to a general cause such as muscle strain, injury or over use. Muscular tightness in the Lumbo -sacral region is a known cause of lower back pain. A common disorder that affects 80% of the UK adult population each year. Are you one of these people?
At Fusionage Therapies in Harrogate we have been treating clients with Lower back pain and Hip pain for over 10 years.Through our experience we have put together a range of advanced techniques and methods that work on prevention as well as treatment of ongoing pain and discomfort.
Often leg length difference can contribute to back pain as the large upper leg bone (femur bone) may have come
out of alignment with the hip socket. This issue then effects the hip alignment where one hip can move to tilt/twist either forward or backward.
All of this then effects the knee alignment and the ankles not to mention the spine which is sitting on an uneven hips.
Resulting in muscles tightening up because they are holding joints and bones which are out of alignment.
Our treatment methods works on correcting and re-aligning the ankles,knees and hips and spine. We also lengthen tight muscles which have been restricted holding the bones and joints while they were out of alignment.
We always say check with a medical GP that there are no herniated discs or other serious back and vertebrae problems.
Treatment for this condition can help relax the tightened muscles and improve the bodies skeletal alignment. A course of treatments is recommended..as muscle has memory and often wants to go back to its tightened position. A treatment course would hinge on the severity of the condition and the length of time in which this has existed and of course how the person feels.
Client's Comments:
`I came a long way to find a therapist like Rachael. I have been to lots of therapists for lots of different treatments. I suffer with a lot of pain and discomfort in my back. Rachael did a consultation and checked what medication I was taking and when I last saw my consultant. Rachael worked with me enabling me to feel comfortable on the treatment couch. The pain has much improved and I found Rachael's treatments have helped a great deal.'
`I'm a busy Mum of three teenagers, always busy and help my husband run a farm on top of my other job. I had come to Harrogate for a short break. My back had started feeling uncomfortable on the drive here. I couldn't sleep the first night we arrived. The next morning this had got worse. I booked an appointment with Rachael who saw me very quickly. She gasped when I told her what my week had been like. I had been lambing at the farm, bending and catching them as they were born. On top of this I milk over a hundred cows a week each morning, before I sort the family and then go to my day time job.
Rachael was very thorough in her consultation and checked that I had seen a medical expert and that I was able to go to the toilet ok, she explained in serious cases this is a key sign for medical attention. When I walked in to the treatment room I could hardly walk and Rachael had to help me get my shoes off. After the treatment my back felt so much better, Rachael noticed I was able to smile unlike when I had arrived, the pain had subsided and I had more movement and flexibility. I could even tie my shoe laces!'